What’s Happening in Maths?

One of the areas of the curriculum that we learn about is Mathematics.

We love sharing all the things we have been learning with you. Have a look to see what amazing things we have learnt so far this year.

Term 1, Week 8

It has been amazing to see all the wonderful things that our learners are doing in Maths this term. Here is what has been happening.

The Preps have been working on counting collections, identifying and naming shapes. They have been working very hard on making sure they form their numbers correctly. They have also been looking for shapes in the environment and making sure they call them by the correct names.

Year 1 learners are working on creating and continuing patterns using shapes, colours and symbols. Some of the patterns that the learners were creating were very tricky.

The Year 2 learners have been looking at place value and are now beginning to use numbers to solve addition and subtraction problems.

The Year 3 learners are writing 4-digit numbers in expanded form which is very impressive! The way that the learners were thinking about the different parts of numbers was something they should be proud of.

Year 4 are working on place value and are working on converting numbers from word form to numeric form. This activity was amazing to watch and to hear how the learners were working out the problem. The team work they were using to help each other was astounding.

In Year 5 the learners have been looking at different ways numbers can be written and expressed. They have been looking at both whole numbers and decimals.

The Year 6 learners are working on understanding decimals. The learners were plotting numbers using playing cards. They were using their number sense to place a number in a box and once the number was in the box they were locked in. It was amazing to see the competitive side of the learners trying to make the biggest number and beat their partner.

After a few conversations with some of the learners it was wonderful to hear that they have been enjoying their Maths tasks and that they are engaged in the lessons.

A group of Year 4 learners were so engaged in their lesson, that when their teacher asked a question, every single learner had their hand up to answer it – which was fantastic!

What a great start to the year in the world of Maths! We are all very excited to see where Maths takes us this year.